Galore by Michael Crummey

I am a notorious book buyer. I try not to laugh when customers tell me they cannot buy more books, they have three(!) at home they have not read. I have had to split my home up into the room with books I have read, and books I have not. Most of the time they are classics I have always been meaning to read, mixed with non-fiction books on topics I want to learn more about, and the ones along the way that sound interesting, so I buy them and then get distracted. Occasionally I buy books that people I trust recommend to me. Last week I picked up a book that has been in my to read room, I remember carting this book around my last two moves at least. I cannot remember where it came from, but reading the back, this is completely nothing I would have picked up on my own, luckily for me, I picked it up as I headed out the door to work, so now I am stranded at work with only this book. And I say lucky because Galore by Micheal Crummey is a magical, fable-like story full of interesting entangl...